design studio finishing service

A focused service for Design Studios and their Freelancers

Scarf printing and hemming graphic

a time saving service

Each time we print the latest batch of your new design samples, we are aware that you spend additional time cutting and hemming them ready to present to your potential buyers. Why not let us do that for you by using our design studio finishing service?

We have all the facilities here at The Silk Bureau, using our hot-wire cutter and our in-house seamstresses, to prepare your samples as individually pin hemmed or overlocked panels. This would save a lot of your valuable time when preparing for shows and consultations.

All we ask, is that your digital file of sample panels are all the same size and all share straight horizontal and vertical lines. Either butt the panels together or leave a very fine 1mm gap.

Professional service

design studio hemming image

Choose your finish.

We offer both a flat pin hem and an overlocked hem to create the perfect edge to your design sample panels.

What colour is the stitching?

The finish will be in either white or black thread, depending on which suits the design.

How much will it cost?

We have an exclusive price point for Design Studios and their Freelancers who choose to use our finishing service. Please contact us for cost details. 

Will it increase my lead time?

Please allow an extra working day for us to prepare your work and finish it before dispatch.

To order.

If you are interested in using our design studio finishing service, please get in touch to discuss further. Email: or phone 01386 861122 to request samples.

To order, addSTUDIO FINISHING X QUANTITY*” the type of finish you would like and the size of your panels in the comments box when placing your order. Our Accounts team will add the cost to your full order invoice.

*Quantity of samples you require finishing.

Design Studio Orders

Do you have a dedicated order account with us? Read all about the benefits here.

Printing Scarves


The processes involved in digital textile printing causes the original fabric to shrink. If you are printing scarves, the size of the finished product will be important to you. For example, if you have square artwork, you will be expecting your finished scarf to be square!

To get the printed fabric closer to the size you need, all fabric intended for scarves must go through an extra step to reshape it. Please allow extra time on your deadlines to allow for this process. 

Let us introduce you to the …


The stenter is an enormous piece of machinery that has many uses, including coating our fabrics and reshaping scarf orders.

After travelling through a solution to soften the fabric, it then passes over a flat bed, gripped on the selvedge edges to pull it back into shape. 

It’s a long and precise process that needs to be carefully monitored.

Shrinkage Disclaimer

If you have selected to use our hemming service, we will check the stentered fabric for you before we begin to finish your scarves. If you are not using our service, it’s up to you to check the size BEFORE you cut out the individual scarves from the fabric length. We cannot re-size after your scarves have been cut out.