Julia Ogden

We are truly delighted to be printing and hemming the scarves of Julia Ogden’s latest collection of landscape paintings. The atmosphere that she manages to capture within her paintings translates beautifully into these scarves.

We wanted to find out more about this artist and her work.

Q You create some exquisite landscape paintings. What is your inspiration when producing these?

A I am really inspired by the big Yorkshire skies in my home of Hebden Bridge. I like going for long walks with my sketchbook and camera, then I work from these in my studio to create my paintings. I use acrylic paints which I layer to make rich colours and depth in my work. I am interested in describing the atmosphere of a place as well as what it looks like. I hope my paintings evoke the feeling of a favourite walk or place.

Emerging Light

What a glorious painting. Julia’s Emerging Light painting is one of her top selling scarves. We’re not surprised!

Q From graduate to established artist, must have been a lot of hard work. Can you tell us a little about the path you followed? It would be an inspiration to all. 

A I began my career by putting some paintings in a pop-up shop in Brighton (where I was living at the time) and these got seen by a gallery and orders grew from there. Using social media, I had the opportunity to sell my art directly. I now sell in both ways as I have built some lovely relationships with the galleries I work for.

My path was a gradual build to being a full-time artist; for a long time I had part time jobs and fitted my art around those. About six years ago I finally took the leap to be an artist without another job and it is the best thing I have ever done.

The Collection

This beautiful collection of Julia’s landscape paintings uses a rich, warm palette to reflect country views. 

Q Can you offer any tips for up-and-coming artists?

A I would say don’t worry so much about finding a style; if you are busy creating, it will find you. Also, it is good to be free and enjoy what you do without constraints.

Share your work as much as you can and don’t be afraid to share behind the scenes, as this builds a relationship with the people interested in your art.

Also, it doesn’t make you less of an artist if you supplement your art career with a part time job. There will be a time when you must take a little leap of faith, but you will know when that is the right time for you.

Woodland Scarf

This scarf of autumnal colours captures the seasons subtle beauty.

What was it like appearing in the ‘Home is where the art is’ TV series?

A It was really out of my comfort zone, but it was a great experience and gave me the chance to showcase my art to a bigger audience.

I really enjoyed meeting the clients and other artists. It also made me realise how much work all the people behind the scenes put in to make a programme like that; the team was great.

The Perfect Presentation

All Julia’s scarves are beautifully presented in exquisite boxes that she has personally hand-printed to reflect the quality of a luxurious silk.

Q What plans are there for the future?

A I have just finished a commission for the winner of “Interior Design Masters” on the BBC, her prize was to design a suite in Another Place Hotel in the Lake District so I have painted the view from the hotel which will be made into a mural, so I am very excited to see that!

I would like to grow my scarf range; the feedback I have had on the ones so far has been so lovely.

I am also making a little book based on some wintery sketchbook drawings I made in lockdown called “Notes on snow” which has been a personal project that has brought me a lot of joy.

We would really like to thank Julia for taking time to talk with us and share her story. It is always an honour to play our part in the journey of a successful artist, and we are looking forward to seeing more of Julia in the future. 

Find out more

You can see more of Julia’s work through her on-line shop, where she also lists stockists.  Or why not visit Julia in her home town of Hebden Bridge at the Egg Factory, where there will be a Christmas fair on 11th and 12th December 2021.

Julia Ogden: juliaogden.com/

Instagram: @juliaogdenart

Photography: Julia Ogden 

Printing Scarves


The processes involved in digital textile printing causes the original fabric to shrink. If you are printing scarves, the size of the finished product will be important to you. For example, if you have square artwork, you will be expecting your finished scarf to be square!

To get the printed fabric closer to the size you need, all fabric intended for scarves must go through an extra step to reshape it. Please allow extra time on your deadlines to allow for this process. 

Let us introduce you to the …


The stenter is an enormous piece of machinery that has many uses, including coating our fabrics and reshaping scarf orders.

After travelling through a solution to soften the fabric, it then passes over a flat bed, gripped on the selvedge edges to pull it back into shape. 

It’s a long and precise process that needs to be carefully monitored.

Shrinkage Disclaimer

If you have selected to use our hemming service, we will check the stentered fabric for you before we begin to finish your scarves. If you are not using our service, it’s up to you to check the size BEFORE you cut out the individual scarves from the fabric length. We cannot re-size after your scarves have been cut out.